This blog belongs to YUYU
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If you dont, then too bad!
It has been a while...
Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 5:05 AM
HEY! :) Havent blogged in a long time aye? :( I guess there was nothing much to blog about or there's too many that i dont wanna blog. HAHA! OMG! Finally training is over! WHOOHOO! But there's still the netball party... Today was a pretty awesome day. I think this post will all be about netball... so bear with me:) Clocked in 12.45 for 2.4km.... faster than Lyn and Callista:) heehee. Did drills with Vanessa. She kinda pissed me off at the station where we are supposed to jump over the stick. She always threw the ball either too high or too low! :@ Supposed to do like 3times for each side and i did like 20 times for just one side! DAMN...waste my energy...Coach was really nice today:) WHEE. She let us eat gummy during our water break:) It was awesome(: It gave me energy... Training wasnt that tiring(: PHEW. Coach released us pretty early. So Cdiv sat at the fitness corner and started to talk about tomorrow(: We were supposed to dress up as superheroes on Saturday. Had loads of funny ideas... I LAUGHED UNTIL MY STOMACH HURT... HAHA! So excited for tomorrow mann! We are going to shop and stuff! WHEE. Almost the whole Cdiv and Kah Hui. HAHA! I shall stop now. I'm very excited to not wanna type other stuff... SHALALALA! (:
Love you guys! :D
Tata, Yuyu(:
It has been a while...
Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 5:05 AM
HEY! :) Havent blogged in a long time aye? :( I guess there was nothing much to blog about or there's too many that i dont wanna blog. HAHA! OMG! Finally training is over! WHOOHOO! But there's still the netball party... Today was a pretty awesome day. I think this post will all be about netball... so bear with me:) Clocked in 12.45 for 2.4km.... faster than Lyn and Callista:) heehee. Did drills with Vanessa. She kinda pissed me off at the station where we are supposed to jump over the stick. She always threw the ball either too high or too low! :@ Supposed to do like 3times for each side and i did like 20 times for just one side! DAMN...waste my energy...Coach was really nice today:) WHEE. She let us eat gummy during our water break:) It was awesome(: It gave me energy... Training wasnt that tiring(: PHEW. Coach released us pretty early. So Cdiv sat at the fitness corner and started to talk about tomorrow(: We were supposed to dress up as superheroes on Saturday. Had loads of funny ideas... I LAUGHED UNTIL MY STOMACH HURT... HAHA! So excited for tomorrow mann! We are going to shop and stuff! WHEE. Almost the whole Cdiv and Kah Hui. HAHA! I shall stop now. I'm very excited to not wanna type other stuff... SHALALALA! (:
Love you guys! :D
Tata, Yuyu(:
they think im crazy
HELLO! OMG! YOU'RE IN THE MOST AWESOME BLOG RIGHT? I'm very sure you agree. Anyway, I'm Matsuo Yu a.k.a Yuyu. IJTP is my school! :) WHEE! And i'm pretty sure you know me quite well. If not, why are you here?
Designer: Saeeda
Background: materialisti-c, made it abit lighter. :)
Colours: html-color-codes
Icons: Saeeda, I didnt not upload them at my icon site.
If you want to use it, just credit me straight, thanks.
Remember! No hotlinking, host the images yourself, thankyouuuu! (L).